Holidays Can Be Filled With Hard Memories

The holidays are filled with so many memories. For people struggling or grieving their babies, these memories can be especially painful.

It’s another anniversary without your baby and the pain feels fresh all over again.

You don’t owe anyone your time or happiness.

If you are dreading cleaning for Passover,

or having the Seder,

or just being around people this holiday because the pain of your loss is renewed this time of year, it’s okay to take time for yourself to grieve and sit with your pain in a way that feels right for you.

Just because Passover is a holiday does not mean you need to be happy or excited. Do what you need to do to make it through.

And for everyone else: be sensitive to those around you, you don’t know what else these days might mean to them.


National Infertility Awareness Week & Passover


Extend an Invite for Passover