Scared To Be Pregnant, Scared To Not Be Pregnant
The years that I kept losing baby after baby are a blur. I don’t remember much about family get-togethers or political events, and large swaths of time are just gone from my memory. What I do remember is the fear.
I can’t accept that I’m pregnant
From a follower: “I have severe anxiety during pregnancy that something isn’t right and if I could I would go to the doctor daily to check on the baby. It’s so hard!!!
106. Resilience and Pregnancy After Loss with Chaya Hott
Chaya Hott joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about strategies on how she got through the crippling anxiety of that pregnancy, how rainbow babies don’t “fix” grief and how to hold joy and grief at the same time (especially in light of the war in Israel).
Episode 4: Pregnancy After Loss with Shevi Samet
Shevi Samet joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about how to navigate the emotions of pregnancy after loss and the risk/benefit analysis of whether to try again.