Support Not Suggestions

It's important to share this message any time of year, but especially now when so many of you are seeing friends and family who may not know the intricacies of your situation.

It's very common for people to fall back on the old adages of "have you tried..." or "why don't you see x specialist..."

PSA to everyone out there:
1-It is never a good idea to offer advice when someone finally opens up to you. They need support, not a another "fix."

2-IVF, contrary to popular belief, doesn't fix everything. It is NOT the magic cure all for everyone with infertility. Some people can't tolerate the meds and numerous doctor appointments, they have adverse reactions to procedures, or maybe they've already tried IVF and it hasn't worked, for whatever reason. There are dozens of explanatiions as to why someone can't get pregnant, or carry a baby to term, even if you are under the care of a top-notch fertility specialist.

Bottom line - Don't assume that IVF can fix everything. Also, also remember that you people need *you* - not more advice.


Rosh Hashana Prayer


Guilt Versus Shame