Self-Care Tip #7

Self care tip #7:

In this week’s parsha, Moshe (Moses) tries to be the peacemaker, while Korach just incites conflict. Which got us thinking about all of the insensitive comments that this community has heard, and how each of you deals with those situations.

We have talked a lot about boundaries here, reminding people that it’s okay to stay away from situations and persons who do nothing but bring you misery. But then there are others who you feel a sense of regret over. You may have not communicated your wishes effectively about how you wanted to be treated during your time in need and/or they may have done something significant to hurt you. And while it’s painful to think about this person because of the feelings they dredge up, you’re filled with ambivalence about how things ended.

Self care tip #7 is about being Moshe. Sometimes, the fact that a conflict is unresolved is the thing that’s keeping you up at night—- not the thing that you were initially arguing about. And a true act of self care would be to discuss this with your person, and try to let some of it go.

Think about it…


Self-Care Tip #6


Self-Care Tip #8