Starting Treatments Again

This anonymous poster just got up the courage to share her heartbreaking story with me.

“I’m 31. Got married 7 years ago and after 5 rough years of fertility treatments, I finally got pregnant. I was terribly ill my entire pregnancy, and then had a very difficult baby combined with postpartum depression.

Now, a few years later, I’m still dealing with secondary infertility, and having terror/anxiety about starting treatments again. I love my daughter more then anything, but I secretly have zero desire to try for more. Those were dark years. I feel guilty and selfish but I just don’t want another baby that badly.

But my heart breaks for my husband, who still dreams of a big family. And my toddler -who might never have a sibling. So I pray I will have the strength to get through this for my family. Without falling apart.”


My Story of Adoption As A Single Mom


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