Six Things Not to Say to Someone With Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a complex and often misunderstood condition. Many well-meaning comments can unintentionally hurt those who are struggling. Here are six things NOT to say to someone with endometriosis:

1) It’s just a painful period.
Endometriosis is a medical diagnosis that is so much more than “just” painful periods.
Often women suffer for years before they receive a diagnosis and there is no cure.

2) Just have a baby.
While pregnancy does alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis, this is not a treatment nor a sustainable way to manage symptoms.

3) You don’t look sick.
As with many chronic illnesses, endometriosis is often experienced invisibly. Just because you can’t see the pain, doesn’t mean it’s not there.

4) It’s normal for sex to be painful, don’t be dramatic.
Sex shouldn’t be painful.
But sometimes it is.
Some other conditions that may contribute to painful sex are: vaginismus, uterine fibroids, IBS, ovarian cysts, and pelvic floor conditions.

5) A hysterectomy will fix it.
A hysterectomy is an incredibly invasive and traumatic procedure. Many women do not want to get a hysterectomy because they still want the option to have children.

6) Why don’t you just adopt?
Do we really need to explain why this question is inappropriate again?

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