First Day of School Photos

It’s that time of the year.

Your feed that was filled with beaches and exotic locales has suddenly transformed into photos of kids standing glumly with new backpacks and sneakers.

So what does the start of a new school year have to do with fertility?

Nothing … and yet, everything.

Whether you’re experiencing primary or secondary infertility, or if you had a miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss, this time of year can be hard.

Your arms aren’t full.
You don’t have to think about joining a carpool.
You don’t have to pack turkey sandwiches with the crusts cut off.

It’s a painful reminder that there is no one to smile for back-to-school pictures.

Or maybe, it’s painful to think about your only child growing up. Maybe he’s starting school for the first time, and you’re sad that it’s the only first day of kindergarten you’ll ever get to experience.

Maybe the quiet house is too much for you. You want another little one to rock to sleep and teach the Aleph Bais.

Just know that this sadness you may be feeling — it’s normal. Countless women share the pain with you. I remember deleting social media around this time of year. I unfollowed so many “friends” who posted about their kids nonstop. I wished, every single day, that I would just be able to hold a healthy baby in my arms.

So to all of you out there who are avoiding those photos, we see you.


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