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140. I'm Not a Grandmother and I'm Perfectly Fine with Peri Lyman
Peri Lyman joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her two amazing daughters, her experience getting asked if she’s a grandmother yet and the questions that make her crazy, and how it feels to be asked insensitive questions.
139. Open, Honest, Struggling with Ricki Steiner
Ricki Steiner joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her primary infertility journey this far, why she decided to start talking openly about her struggles on social media, how she feels when people tell her they’re praying for her (with a whole sidebar on her relationship with G-d right now).
138. How to Speak to Children About Grief with Talia Mizrahi
Talia Mizrahi, Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist Certified Grief Educator, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about how to talk to children about grief and loss, sharing news in a way that is developmentally appropriate for each child, and normalizing the greiving process for children by explaining that you may be sad one day and not the next.
137. Why Infertility Is So Isolating with Rabbi Elchanan Poupko
Rabbi Elchanan Poupko joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his recent piece about the insensitivity in the orthodox community to people who are struggling to have a child, his personal story of infertility and the pain he and his wife carried for all those years, and how their infertility challenges made him a passionate voice for those who are still in the trenches.
136. The Impact of Eating Disorders on Reproductive Health with Rachel Goldberg LMFT, PMH
Rachel Goldberg LMFT, PMH joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about binge and restrictive eating habits and how that can affect fertility, the reasons why disordered eating or exercise can cause fertility issues, the guilt and shame that go along with this these diagnoses, and the small changes suggestions people can make to try to get them out of a destructive feeding pattern.
135. Disordered Eating, Body Image and Fertility with Reva Schlanger Peyser MS, RD, CDN
Reva Schlanger Peyser MS, RD, CDN joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about a myriad of issues surrounding fertility in regard to body image and eating disorders, how people feel like their body is failing them during the struggle to build a family and how people might use eating, nutrition, exercise to try to take back some control.
134. My Journey As A Jew By Choice and an Adoptive Gay Dad with Curt Sechrist
Curt Sechrist joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his fertility journey, with the backdrop of becoming part of the Jewish community, his experience of being exposed to more of Jewish culture and religion, and how that became an even bigger part of his life when he met his future husband, Adam, why they chose to adopt instead of pursuing surrogacy, and their adoption process and the incredible journey that brought them to their son.
133. Pride, Faith and Stillbirth with Rabbi Karen Glazer Perolman
Rabbi Karen Glazer Perolman joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her upbringing, her passion for her job as a community rabbi, and having a stillbirth, her baby, Leo, who she lost, what grief looks like when your job is to hold people in *their* pain and how she has managed to get through all of it.
132. Perinatal Grief in the LGBTQ+ Community with Shira Collings
Shira Collings joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her personal experience with recurrent pregnancy loss (4 heartbreaking losses), how navigating grief is hard enough after a loss, as most people don’t truly understand what a grieving person needs and the added layers of being part of the queer community, which brings up other ways that people can feel isolated and alone.
131. Sad Dads Club: Grieving Together After Loss with Rob Reider
Rob Reider joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the stillbirth of his daughter, Lila, in December 2017, how he dealt with the grief and overwhelming heartache, and how he and his his wife, Tehila, got through those early weeks (spoiler alert- they were both a mess).
130. The Male Perspective on Infertility with David Melamed
David Melamed joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his 14-year struggle to have a child, his candid and heartfelt discussion of the most painful and challenging moments, the sources of strength and upliftment on this journey and his courage and emotional depth.
129. My Three Girls: How Donor Eggs Helped me Build My Family with Jen Blumenfeld
Jen Blumenfeld joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the story of her 3 beautiful children, some of whom came into this world through donor eggs, longing for a child and having multiple failed cycles, how Jen and her husband came to considering donor eggs and building her family with the help of science and a modern-day miracle.
128. My Embryo Donation Story with Elana Frank
Elana Frank, CEO of Jewish Fertility Foundation, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her own fertility journey, doing IUIs in a doctor's home in Israel, choosing a donor embryo for her last child and her experience with secondary infertility.
127. How My Egg Donor Journey Connected Me To My Heritage with Emily Getz
Emily Getz joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about how she and her husband had their first child naturally and never expected that it would be difficult trying to build their family, her stillbirth and multiple miscarriages, 1 ectopic, 4 rounds of IVF and still no baby, and the grief, shock, loss and heartbreak that were almost pushed to the side as they pursued every possible step in order to try to have another child.
126. Four Children By Choice: A Single Mom's Story with Michelle Weissman, MD
Michelle Weissman, MD joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about how she became a single mother by choice...to 4 children, how this was never her "plan A" and she didn't even consider becoming a parent until she was in her 30s, with no dating prospects on the horizon and the process of how and why she got comfortable with the idea.
125. Unlocking The Maze: Talking Through the Complexities of Donor Conception
Dr. Eric Surrey, Rabbi Idit Solomn, and Lori Metz, LCSW, CCM, BC-THM join Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the most frequently asked questions about donor conception, who considers using a donor, how one picks a donor, and the emotions that people typically grapple with.
124. Mothering (All Of) My Children After A Stillbirth with Taliya Corbett
Taliya Corbett joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about the story of her daughter, Ora, who was stillborn, after having 4 healthy boys and how she was raised as a Muslim, and fell in love with Judaism (and her husband, Ari) and converted at 26.
123. “Miscarried: An ‘Unspoken’ Cartoonmentary” with Chari Pere
Chari Pere joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her miscarriage, a harrowing experience of losing a very wanted pregnancy, how she decided to tell her story via cartoons, and her series of cartoons, “Miscarried: An Unspoken Cartoonmentary.”
122. “I Still Hope To Be A Mother” with Chani Melamed
Chani Melamed joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about getting married at 26 years old, her 14 year marriage to her husband without children and how she has been able to remain positive and have a zest for life despite her challenges with fertility.
121. How to Make Passover A Little Easier with Shira Collings MS, NCC, LPC
Shira Collings MS, NCC, LPC joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about eating disorders, body image, and fertility journeys, and giving yourself grace to engage with the eating restrictions as little or as much as you want.
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