127. How My Egg Donor Journey Connected Me To My Heritage with Emily Getz


On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Emily Getz joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

  • how she and her husband had their first child naturally and never expected that it would be difficult trying to build their family

  • her stillbirth and multiple miscarriages, 1 ectopic, 4 rounds of IVF and still no baby

  • the grief, shock, loss and heartbreak that were almost pushed to the side as they pursued every possible step in order to try to have another child

  • the decision of whether to walk away and be done with this part of their lives, try adoption, do IVF one more time or use donor eggs

  • how they came to the realization that using an egg donor was the best chance for a good outcome

  • how Emily wanted to connect with her donor, even beyond her looks an decided using a Jewish donor was the thing that helped her transmit some piece of her to a future baby, even if it wasn’t her genetics

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128. My Embryo Donation Story with Elana Frank


126. Four Children By Choice: A Single Mom's Story with Michelle Weissman, MD