124. Mothering (All Of) My Children After A Stillbirth with Taliya Corbett


On this episode of Talking Away The Taboo, Taliya Corbett joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about...

  • the story of her daughter, Ora, who was stillborn, after having 4 healthy boys

  • how she was raised as a Muslim, and fell in love with Judaism (and her husband, Ari) and converted at 26

  • dealing with secondary infertility after she had her first

  • how she always wanted to have a girl and the difficult pregnancy with her daughter (she had preeclampsia and Ora was also on the small side)

  • the huge shock that Ora was stillborn

  • the delivery, her grief process and how she tries her best to be the best mother she can to all her children

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125. Unlocking The Maze: Talking Through the Complexities of Donor Conception


123. “Miscarried: An ‘Unspoken’ Cartoonmentary” with Chari Pere