Part 4: 7 Ways You Can Practice Self-Care


Part 4 of our "Wave of Light" Communal Grief Resource Guide

Set Boundaries

  • Turn off the news, tell people what you need (or don’t need) from them, walk away.

  • If there are certain topics you don’t want to think about, stay away from situations where they are being discussed.

Get Outside

  • Take a walk, sit on the porch, or even just open the window for fresh air.

  • Get a change of scenery and slow down.


  • Laugh with friends, watch heartwarming videos, share funny memes.

  • Allow yourself to find pockets of happiness. It’s okay to do this.

Reach Out To Your Support System

  • You are not alone.

  • Call your friends/family. Share with them how you are feeling, or don’t - talk about anything else to get your mind off things for a bit.

Take A Deep Breath

  • Don’t forget to breathe.

  • Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique: breathe in for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds.

  • Center yourself.

Start Small

  • Get out of bed, make your favorite breakfast, enjoy the morning sun, call a friend, move your body, draw a relaxing bath.

  • Focus on things you can control and ways you can support your mental health.

Let It Out

  • Let yourself feel the emotions. Don’t hold it in, it will just grow until it is too big to handle. Cry. Pray. Write. Let it out.

  • Allow yourself to process what you are feeling and validate yourself.

Click here for some tips from Hey Alma on how to stay calm and take a break right now.


Part 5: Where to get more help


Part 3: How To Talk To People Who Are Grieving