Dear Baby

“Dearest baby,

Each month, I wait for you
Each month, I hope for you
Each month, I dream about you
I dream about touching your tiny hands and feet
I dream about giving you a kiss on your cheek
I dream about the milestones you will achieve
I dream about the amazing person you will become

My heart is aching in pain because you’re not here by my side

Each day I fight for you because I know that you’re worth fighting for

Baby, you have a neshama (soul)
Your neshama is resting with Hashem (G-d) now until it is your time to join me in this world

Baby, you have so much potential to do great things in your life
I believe in you
I support you
I'm your number one fan

You have the potential to change the world

Baby, I want you to know that you are loved
Loved by mommy and daddy
loved by your family and friends
Loved by your spouse and children
Loved by anyone you connect with because you are so special

Baby, I want you to know that it is a privilege to be your mom even though we never met. I love you more than you can imagine. I can't wait to meet you.

Your mommy”


Hiding In My Bed


Who Holds Space for the Birthkeeper