“Am I A Mother?”
What makes someone a mother?
A personal story about Mother’s Day
80. My Story and Why I Started I Was Supposed To Have A Baby
Aimee Baron, MD talks about her own personal experiences with loss, how she grieved her losses, the person that helped her during that time and why she started I Was Supposed To Have A Baby.
Voices From The Community: Loss
Swipe to read this vulnerable and raw voice from the community about her pregnancy loss. The grief. The pain. The horror. And these emotions don’t just go away.
Voices From The Community: Infant and Pregnancy Loss Awareness
Everyone has different preferences when navigating the unimaginable heartbreak of pregnancy or infant loss. Swipe to read one woman’s personal thoughts and preferences. Does this resonate with you?
Voices From The Community: Infant and Pregnancy Loss Awareness
Even in the midst of crisis, due dates still come and go. This is one woman’s experience thinking about her due date. Swipe to read her story.
35. Tokophobia with Yehudit Kosowsky
Yehudit Kosowsky, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about tokophobia (the fear of getting pregnant), how it affected her journey, and her story about overcoming her fears.