Growing Around Grief
Your grief will always be a part of you, not matter how many "stages" you go through. It was stay with you for the rest of your life. The difference that happens over time is you.
Grief Brain
Grief Brain… or my life is so messed up right now in a million different ways that I can’t remember what day it is, let alone where my phone is. Some days I amaze myself, other days I put my phone in the fridge.
You Can Still Grieve Even If…
You can still grieve even if… We are here to hold space for ALL of you, whether it was you first loss or not, where it happened recently or a long time ago…
Shapes of Grief
Swipe to see just a handful of examples of the different types of grief a person may experience on their fertility journey. All painful. All valid. Holding space for you all.
Dear Baby
Read this beautiful letter submitted by a follower, titled Dear Baby. The hope. The crushed dreams. The grief. The love. It’s all part of the same story.
Grief Is Weird
Grief is just weird. It’s all of these things and more. And no, you’re not the crazy one; It’s everyone else.
79. All Things Grief with Sarah Rivkah Kohn
Sarah Rivka Kohn joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her own experiences with loss, the stigma surrounding infertility and loss and insensitive comments made to those who are grieving.
5. Grief with Yonina Kaufman, LCSW, MSED
Yonina Kaufman, LCSW, MSED joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about what is typical in the grieving process and how to support your friend or loved one.
32. That Good Grief with Rachel Reichblum
Rachel Reichblum, joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her journey through the world of grief, the universality of grief, and how religion affected her thoughts and choices.
22. Stillbirth Support with Chumi Friedman
Chumi Friedman joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about different aspects of stillbirth support, in relation to Jewish law, decisions and choices that a couple grapples with from the moment they receive the bad news and more.