SIDS Story 30 Years Later
Thirty years ago, if you lost a child you were treated like a pariah. No one wanted to talk to you. They crossed the street when they saw you coming, because they didn’t know what to say.
I Can’t Even Imagine
We know that you mean no harm when you say this kind of thing, but it can feel really invalidating and lonely when you do. Would the world be a safer place if no one could imagine these things? No.
SIDS Complexity
Just like any new information that hits the airwaves, please be cautious when talking about it with people who are struggling. Your comments might cause more harm than good.
78. A Personal Story of SIDS with Judith
Judith joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about losing her son, Aiden, to SIDS, what that day was like for her and how she grieved in the following weeks and navigating the grief, pain, comments, and all of the horribleness.