I Was Supposed To Have A Baby

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“No Happy Ending Yet Is Where I Am Today”

“My infertility journey began 3 years ago, after a year and half of marriage. Let’s just say that our journey of struggles didn’t begin then, as my husband and I both came into this marriage with each of our own past challenges. I was previously married and divorced after 15 months with no children, and he was sick with leukemia at 19 years old. Which brings me straight to why after a year and half of marriage, we knew we need to meet a doctor. My husband froze sperm before his bone marrow transplant, which we knew when we got married we may very well need to use. So, in December 2016, it all began...
I’ve had 7 egg retrievals, 6 embryo transfers, 
1 chemical pregnancy and 1 miscarriage.

‘No happy ending yet’ is where I am today.
And in the midst of all this, my husband’s cancer relapsed and that completely took over our lives. We are trying to maintain a normal life and deal with it, so now the fertility treatments were put on hold. We wonder if we can truly begin and gather our energy to go through it again!
I don’t have much encouragement to share to others but I can say is that I try every day to believe that one day there will be a happy ending.”