Building My Jewish Two-Mom Family

It's always hard to raise a child, but it can be harder for people in the jewish queer space. These are some questions that all parents ask if they are using a donor... (which many people in the LGBTQ+ community need to do)

Is my baby going to be Jewish? How can I ensure that he/she is going to be so?

When using a donor, who is the “mother” and “father”? Do we need to have the child convert if the egg, sperm, embryo, or uterus is not Jewish? Which clergy will accept my lifestyle and the way this baby was brought into the world and agree to perform a conversion?

Will our child be accepted in our community, synagogue, or school?

How do we deal with blessing of the children on Friday night, Bircas Kohanim if you are a Kohen or Levi (blessings of priests), praying for the child when there is an illness, etc.

And so much more...

As our anonymous author shared - reach out and find supportive spaces for your family building. They may be harder to find, but they do exist. ❤️


Fertility Preservation as a Jewish Transgender Man


Supporting LGBTQ+ Fertility Journeys and Intersectionality