This is Grief

Grief is so many things.

But it is not linear. It will not obey your internal timeline. It will not end because society says that it should.

Grief has a mind of its own because grief is love.

And when you care for a person, that feeling never goes away.

Words from @zoeadelle -

“I heard someone say grief is holy…and boy did that resonate with me. So often we put joy on a platform and grief in a back room, as though it is something to be ashamed of. But grief is a sign we have loved. It tells the world we have been brave enough to share our heart with another.

So if you feel tempted to hide your sorrow, please remember that grief is not only the price we pay for love. It is often the only thing we are left with to show we have loved at all.”


Grief With a Partner


This is Pregnancy After Loss