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Organizations, Men's Resources Aimee Baron Organizations, Men's Resources Aimee Baron

109. A Man’s Perspective on Infertility and Loss with Daniel Landau

Daniel Landau joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about his story of needing to do IVF for genetic reasons and all the difficult emotions surrounding that and his path to starting an organization for solely to support men, Men's Helpline, which has a podcast, peer-to-peer support network other resources to help males in crisis.

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Personal Stories Aimee Baron Personal Stories Aimee Baron

101. My PCOS Story with Shaina Glick

Shaina Glick joins Aimee Baron, MD to talk about her two children and the very different fertility journey that she had to take to have each of them, the first one that was “relatively” easy, and the other, which was much more difficult, and the years of treatments she went through and a miscarriage.

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