I Was Supposed To Have A Baby

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Rosh Hashana Prayer

One small idea to take you into the new year:

There is a concept in Judaism that if you pray for someone else to have _______, then that blessing will be bestowed upon you too.

Let me be very clear - We all know that there are so many times when you pray for something, and not only doesn't that happen, but you feel worse because you know that you put in your "best effort" and G-d ignored your wishes. So this idea about praying for someone else, isn't foolproof.

BUT, these are incredibly powerful days on the Jewish Calendar. These are the days when G-d determines our entire year. And I know that each one of you who are part of the IWSTHAB community are struggling, supporting someone who is struggling, or you are sensitive to this struggle.

So, I'm asking all of you to pray.
Pray for yourselves.
Pray for your friends and family.
And pray for everyone in this community.

My most fervent wish is that I don't have to do this work anymore, because each of you have been given the family of your dreams.

So may 5783 be the year when that happens.

In the meantime, wear your new dresses, jewelry, wigs and shoes even though you feel dead inside.

We will be here, holding you until all of our wishes come true.

On behalf of the IWSTHAB staff and board, we wish you all a sweet, happy, and healthy new year. May all of your prayers be answered for the good!

C'siva V'chasima Tova.
