I Was Supposed To Have A Baby

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Grief Awareness is Every Day

Some of you may be wondering why we don’t talk about awareness days.

•Today is National Grief Awareness.
•Last week was National Rainbow Day.
•National Infertility Survival Day is the Sunday before Mother’s Day.
•October 15th is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, but the whole month of October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month.
•World Infertility Awareness Month is in June, but National Infertility Awareness Week is usually in April.

And that’s an incomplete list.

These days were created to spread awareness and organize/spearhead advocacy efforts, and they have done exactly that for the greater community.

But here at IWSTHAB, we talk about infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth, grief and loss every single day of the year. Those of you living this world don’t need a day on the calendar to commemorate your pain. You live inside this nightmare until the moment you close your eyes at night and it’s the first thing you think about when you wake up.

And this is exactly what we try to educate the rest of the community- for many of you, someone’s loss or infertility is a one-off event. You hear that someone is going through something, and you reach out, sending you love, support, meals and fizzy blankets.

But then, most of you forget.

Your sister, your best friend, your neighbor, your coworker doesn’t.

They can’t ever forget.

And neither do we. We will continue to hold you every single day of the year.