I Was Supposed To Have A Baby

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Friends and Missing Out

“I know it's not done consciously.
No one is out there to hurt me.
I do have friends. Good friends.
Yet, I honestly feel like I'm missing out.
Missing out on the birthday celebration, nursery gossip, school plays.
Missing out on days at the beach, going to the ice cream store, or the park.
Raising our kids together, having our kids run around together, mommy and me trips!

I know that I have friends, yet I also know that I'm missing out.
The worst part though, is that so often people don't see it.

They'll say stuff like, ‘Of course you fit into the community!’ or ‘Don't blame not having good friends on your struggle with infertility.’

Yet, we don't have kids to play with their kids at shabbos meals, go to afternoon activities with, or go to museums with.

Maybe they see the difference or maybe they don't.

We have tried to fit in, but maybe it's better to not even try.

We ARE different.
We DON'T have kids yet.
It's just the reality.”