I Was Supposed To Have A Baby

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“This Covid Thing Sucks”

“After everything I have been through (multiple years of infertility and 2 losses), I just found out that I am pregnant again.

Part of me is hopeful because we know what went wrong with the last pregnancies and are doing things differently this time.

But the other part of me is petrified. How am I going to get through nine months of a pregnancy when my anxiety is through the roof? And what’s making it worse is that I have to go to all my appointments alone.

This Covid thing sucks. I’m so scared something will happen and my husband won’t be there to support me.

Please ask your followers for any tips that they can give about making this pregnancy easier and also how to deal with the appointments. I’m a wreck.”

I’ve been been getting a lot of messages lately from those of you with pregnancy anxiety, and how it’s compounded by the fact that you can’t have anyone with you at your doctor visits.

There is an entire page devoted to “pregnancy after loss” and tips/suggestions about how to handle the anxiety (check it out!), but the doctors’/centers’ policies limiting people at appointments is adding to the already heightened stress.